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Travelport Privacy Notice for the GDSTravelport business partners and website privacy noticePrivacy notice for California residents


Who we are

We are Travelport (Travelport LP, and its group companies), a worldwide travel retail platform that connects buyers and sellers of travel through a single marketplace.

We also partner with universities and colleges who offer courses and/or qualifications in travel and tourism (“Travel Schools”) and who use our products when providing training to their students. Travel Schools may also offer students the opportunity to access e-learning resources available on our products.

We at Travelport recognize the importance of protecting the privacy of personal data or personally identifiable information (“Personal Information”). This policy describes what personal information we gather from Travel School students, how we use it, and how we keep it safe. Please note, however, that we may update and amend this Privacy Policy from time to time.

If you are under 18 you might want to read this Privacy Policy with your parent, guardian, or a teacher from your Travel School. If you have any questions we would suggest you contact your Travel School in the first instance.

Personal Information – what’s that?

What we mean is any information (your data) that could be used to identify you. We process only the information that is needed for you to access our products, participate in the e-learning activities suggested by your Travel School on our products, and enable us to ensure you complete any educational requirements as part of your course with your Travel School, like your:

  • Name and surname (required for us to set up access to our products)
  • Student email address (required for you to access our products)
  • Student number, as allocated to you by your Travel School (required for us to issue you with credentials for our products)
  • Travel School’s name (to enable us to link you to your Travel School)
  • Your e-learning progress in our educational programmes, including any records of the score of any quiz or assessment (as required for marking and required by your Travel School)
  • Your logs data when accessing our applications and websites.

Where do we get your Personal Information from and what do we do with it?

Basically, we get it from you when you sign up for our products and when you access our e-learning content. We don’t collect any Personal Information from your Travel School, unless it is necessary for us to provide you with access to Travelport’s e-learning content and training materials, and enable your Travel School to track your e-learning progress in our educational programmes.
We do not knowingly collect Personal Information from students that are under 16 years of age. If data protection laws require your parent’s/guardian’s consent your Travel School will obtain this.

We use your Personal Information to enable you to access our virtual training programmes, to access our applications and our e-learning materials and knowledge articles on our products as requested by your Travel School. We also track your e-learning progress and prepare reports that we share with your Travel School, whenever your school asks for such reports. We keep your logs for security purposes, so that we can identify when something bad is happening in our systems.

Lawful basis for processing

We only process (use) your Personal Information where we are allowed to by law. There are 3 ways that this might happen. These are:

  • Consent– where you, or where required by applicable law, your parent or guardian say it’s ok (if needed, your Travel School will obtain this consent).
  • Legal obligation– where there is a law that says we can or have to.
  • Legitimate Interest– where we use your personal information without asking you, we do so because it is necessary for our legitimate interests to fulfil our agreement with your Travel School to provide you with access to our applications, e-learning content and websites for educational purposes.

Sharing your Personal Information with others

We will keep your Personal Information within our organisation except where we need help from others, and we know exactly who they are. We may share your Personal Information to our group companies and with people who help us run the applications and websites that you are allowed to access, like IT and software providers who help our applications and websites work properly and keep your data safe.

Before sharing your Personal Information with others, we do undertake checks to ensure they also keep your personal data safe.

Sometimes we may need to share your Personal Information when lawfully requested with public authorities, including requests based on national security or law enforcement requirements or as required by other laws.

We will never sell your Personal Information.

International transfers

The Travelport applications that you have access to are hosted in the United States, and that means that your data is also stored in the United States.

We may share your Personal Information with other companies in our group that are located outside of your country, or outside of the European Economic Area (EEA) and/or of the United Kingdom.

When we are transferring your data outside of EEA or of the United Kingdom, including to the United States, we make sure we put in place measures like the European Commission’s Standard Contractual Clauses, which are a type of contract used to ensure your Personal Information is kept secure.

Keeping your data safe

Your Personal Information is kept securely in our IT systems and only the people that need to see it have access to it. We have made sure that we have set up good ways to keep information about you safe and private, and that it is up-to-date and complete as it should be for its intended use.

How long we keep your data for

We will keep your Personal Information for as long as it is needed to enable you to access our products and content, execute our agreement with your Travel School and as required for us to fulfil legitimate business and compliance purposes. We might keep your data longer where we have to because of the law.   We will delete your learning records 3 years after the date of your last interaction with our products.

A word about ‘Cookies’

When anyone visits our websites, their IP address, browser and version, operating system and the site they came from are stored in a log file. This information is only used for statistical purposes to help improve our website and products.  For more information on how Travelport uses cookies, please refer to our cookies policy available here.

Your rights

Depending on where you are located, you may have certain rights under applicable data protection laws, such as:

  1. To be informed – We must make this privacy policy available to you.
  2. Access – You are allowed to find out what personal information we may hold about you and why.
  3. Rectification – If you ask us to we must correct or update your details.
  4. Erasure – Sometimes you can ask us to delete your details.
  5. Restrict processing – You ask us to stop processing your personal information.
  6. Portability – You can reuse your personal information that you have given us.
  7. Object – You have the right to stop us marketing to you.
  8. Rights in relation to automated decision making and profiling – We do not use automatic decision making or profiling.

We may need to verify your identity before we can handle these requests to ensure you are who you say you are.

Questions or complaints

If you have any questions about your rights or the content of this document, or if we are doing something you don’t like with your information, you can tell us by writing to our Data Protection Officer at or at the addresses specified below:

One Axis Park, 10 Hurricane Way
Langley, Berkshire SL3 8AG
United Kingdom
Attention: Data Protection Officer / Legal Dept.
T: +44 (0) 1753 288000
F: +44 (0) 1753 288001


300 Galleria Parkway
Atlanta, Georgia 30339
United States
Attention: Data Protection Officer / Legal Dept.
T: +1 770-563-7400
F: +1 770-563-7878

We will aim to get back to you in a month – or sooner.

If you are unsatisfied with our response to a complaint you have raised with us, then you can contact your local Data Protection Authority.  In the United Kingdom this is the ICO at


Sometimes we may need to change this document. When we do, we will put a notice on our website.

Effective Date

Effective Date: This policy was last updated on 09 June 2023.

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